Tuesday, 19 March, 2019

THEBEAUTYHAUL. Surviving The Cold Spell

Bella Binns aka @thebeautyhauler posted a piece on her blog today about how she survives with her nightmare dry skin through the dreaded cold months. She mentions that every year around this time, she breaks out in itchy, dry skin - borderline eczema - all over her legs, arms, tummy and shoulders, Bella's words: "Reptile skin!”



How does she cope?

Her philosophy is to stick to using products with as few ingredients and keep them as natural as possible. She relies on a giant tub of aqueous cream for use in the shower then applies either pure coconut oil or a zinc and castor oil cream to her skin once out of the shower. Finally, she concentrates on eating enough omega oils throughout the day by adding a few tablespoons of Udo’s Choice Ultimate Oil Blend to soups, juices, salads and porridge.


Bella comments on Udo’s Choice Ultimate Oil Blend

“I was lucky enough to be gifted recently with two bottles of tasty Udo’s Oil, though I’ll admit I haven’t been as religious in my dosage as I could have been. It’s an omega oil blend made from cold pressed seeds of flax, sunflower and sesame plus coconut oil, rice and oat germ (note: no whiffy fish oils so it’s veggie/vegan friendly too). You add a few tablespoons to soups, juices, salads, porridge and so on to shoehorn more omega 3, 6 and 9 into your system. But it must be used raw, heating destroys the essential fatty acids that will hopefully return my scaling skin back to its former glory”

Read @thebeautyhaulers blog post here

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