Rosie Millen is a fully qualified Nutritional Therapist who set up her company
Miss Nutritionist in 2010.
Miss Nutritionist in 2010.
In 2014 she developed a health condition called Adrenal Fatigue and has
been on a long journey of recovery ever since. Now she is 100% recovered
she specialises in fatigue and helps men and women of all ages across the
country to regain their energy just by making changes to their diet and
been on a long journey of recovery ever since. Now she is 100% recovered
she specialises in fatigue and helps men and women of all ages across the
country to regain their energy just by making changes to their diet and
She has personally coached thousands of women to increase their energy,
helped multiple companies give their employees more energy and written
hundreds of blog posts in how to recovery from burnout and is in the
beginning stages of writing a book on the subject.
helped multiple companies give their employees more energy and written
hundreds of blog posts in how to recovery from burnout and is in the
beginning stages of writing a book on the subject.
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